Tattoo Blog

Art that adorns the flesh…

Pork-tastic Tattoo Fun

December 31st, 2008 by

Contemplating your next tattoo design? Consider bacon. That’s right. I said bacon.

Apparently there is such a thing called the “Royal Bacon Society” and they’re having a contest. Here’s how to “pork-ticipate” (come on. Yuk it up, people!): Submit your most beloved bacon images to the Bacon Society (I’m honestly laughing as I type this). The Society will choose its favourite images and then members will vote for their favourite one. The husband of bacon-of-the-month-club owner and avid bacon blogger Rocco “Boss Hog” Loosbrock will get it somewhere on his body in tattoo form.

Click here to submit your bacon photos. Genius. Freakin’ genius.

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