Tattoo Blog

Art that adorns the flesh…

Lifesaving Tattoos.

June 19th, 2009 by

Over it’s long history tattooing has enjoyed a very versatile use of application. It has been used for everything from tribal identification to magical healing rituals. It is the healing part that we are concerned with here. I’m not talking about magic, but the very real ability for tattoos to become literal lifesavers.
Med Tat
There are many people out there who wear some form of medical alert jewelry, and we all know that those bracelets, or medallions can mean the difference between life and death. They can also become lost.

Enter Adriana Molinar, a tattoo artist in Texas and survivor of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Adriana is offering medic alert tattoos.

Now here is an idea that I can really get behind. Just think a small tattoo that can alert a paramedic if you are allergic to any meds, or if you have a special condition that requires particular care in your treatment if you can not speak for your self. Best of all the odds of losing it while you are swimming, in an accident, or just plain forgot to put the jewelry on that morning you were late for work is eliminated.

True not everyone wants the world to know if they have a particular condition, but they probably wouldn’t wear their alert bracelet anyway. Not to mention that, as I have said before, tattoos get looked at. They all but demand to be looked at. You would almost be guaranteed that a health care practitioner is going to notice your tattoos, and even if the medical alert tattoo is the only one you have, they are going to check it out.

Come to think of it, there is one tattoo that you would never regret no matter how old you got to be. As a matter of fact, it could help you get a lot older in the long run.

Kudos Adriana. That’s one hell of a good idea.

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