Tattoo Blog

Art that adorns the flesh…

PornHub On My Face For Life!

February 22nd, 2010 by


Billy getting PornHub on face

My adventures in tattoo advertising continue with This is a really great adult website. They are advertising on my right cheek, Just below my tattoo ad. I now have 9 tattoo ads on my head so far! I am looking for new websites to advertise on me. I think it would be cool to advertise for I can see it now right on me face, or on my nose or somewhere else.

One of the tattoo ads I did a few months ago has really paid off well for me. I did a tattoo ad for Liberty Tax service. In the deal I advertise for them on my neck and in return I get my taxes done for free for life! I went in and they did my taxes for 2008 and for 2009. If I did not get free taxes my total for doing my taxes would have been $1,400 dollars.

I am now in search of more websites to advertise on my. In the next week I will continue to email websites and companies in the hopes of adding additional advertisements to my body billboard. I made front cover of Bizzare magazine so I am pretty excited about that. They did a feature on me thats in the latest issue. Stay tuned as I become the ultimate human billboard!

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