Tattoo Blog

Art that adorns the flesh…

Ta-too Bad

March 23rd, 2010 by

Ooh, the plot thickens.  When I first heard that Sandra Bullock’s husband of five years, Jesse James, had been cheating on her with a tattoo model, I thought Meh…that’s a little National Enquirer for the tattoo blog.  Bullock’s already been getting tons of publicity for that crappy Blind Side movie and I didn’t really feel the need to post something that sort of had something to do with tattooing, but not really at all.  That news was just tabloid stuff.

Fast forward a few days and man, I’m sorry but I just can’t resist putting this up on the blog.  It seems that this tattoo model, one Michelle McGee is more than just a home wrecker: surprise!  She’s also a Nazi!

Recent photos have surfaced of McGee in a Nazi photo shoot where she sports all the typical Nazi crap: hat, swastika arm band, etc.  She’s also got a the letter W tattooed on the back of one leg and P tattooed on the back of the other, which allegedly stands for “White Power”.

Wow, Jesse James dude, you really know how to royally mess things up.  Not sure what Bullock has to say about this little extra bit of info, but I’m guessing it’s not really going to make the situation any better.  Anyway, yeah, I know, this was a little tabloid-y, but hey, sometimes when it’s something this ridiculous, you just have to be.  Click here for Michelle McGee’s photo shoot photos.

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