Tattoo Blog

Art that adorns the flesh…

Ladies First

August 9th, 2011 by

Okay, so this is a pretty specific blog post today, but what can I say?  Sometimes things get specific, you know?  With the rise of tattoo’s popularity, there is never any shortage of newbie tattoo folks who set out to get that very first tattoo.  For a lot of us, that first tattoo came when we were younger than we are now, but for some of us, the first tattoo is something we’ve always wanted but never actually taken the steps toward getting.

Throughout the vast media exposure that tattoo has received, people of all ages have perhaps gotten that little boost of encouragement that they needed to set up the appointment and sit down for some body art.  Well, if you happen to be one of those types of people, then this opportunity just might be for you.  I’m not sure how many (if any) tattooed women aged 40 or older read this blog, but if you do and you’ve been recently tattooed and if you also live in the New York area, TODAY wants to interview you for an upcoming segment that they are doing on tattooed women aged 40 and up.

‘After you turned 40, did you get a new tattoo? If so, and you’re in the New York area, TODAY wants to interview you for an upcoming segment! Let us know below the background behind the tattoo — including any special symbolism or story associated with it — and send us the picture. A TODAY producer may contact you in the future.’

So like I said, this one is pretty specific, but I do hope these ladies are out there and I do hope that they read the Tattoo Blog.  Hell yeah!  Get out there and strut your tattooed stuff!

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